👮 Tango is the dance of criminals- 3

One researcher states that
".. Argentine sociologists, culturologists and dance historians, are convinced that the basis of tango is not the steps of the traditional dances of Argentina, but the techniques of movement from the" Creole duels "- duels fights." (source here)
What of it? but the fact that you will never learn to dance tango if you did not fight at knives!)) or at least without knives)) I think even women need this experience to dance tango really ... if you meditate on this theme, you will understand that I am again right))

Well, shove in one place the statement that the tango was born in brothels, where the port workers were waiting for the prostitutes in the queue)) or whatever ... everything turned out to be much worse))) Therefore, often guys engaged in martial arts (and not just guys)) mastering tango more successfully than any balnies ... Guys because they know how to ground for a long time .. before the tango yet .. as well as grounded these Creoles with knives ...

                                                                                     Banditry to your feet!)))