About love

Chekhov wrote a story "About Love." Yes, he seems, although I'm not sure anymore) What he wrote there, I do not remember anymore, well .. all the stupidity of remembering is not enough) But we all know that our love glorified from morning to night, from childhood to the grave) .. all the songs about love, films about love, gurus- about it, too. As if there are no other feelings on the Earth other than love ...I'm tired of this love .. . less words - more deedes) Love your wife ... 2 times a day) and you will be well done))
 but I did not mean it that way .. I wanted to love tango ... Tango it in general is something in itself already about love ... got up in a couple, already fell in love ... even before the music, you still stand in a pair, embracing, but you already love .. and during the dance, and more than you love ... it's understandable .. although I do not always understand when men dance (invite) ugly all kinds, I can not ugly, I love everything beautiful, young, and resilient)) or as a last resort - well and firmly standing on my feet .. I'm not in love ... like some .. but I did not even want it ... I wanted to love the tango teacher to the students ... I often meet - type "love your students", "create an atmosphere of love in a group" and other such garbage ... well, well .... I see that they create .. they try to create ... although what kind of love can be when the "commodity- money relations "between the teacher and the student .. let's say they are" forgotten "about this and play" in love ".. outwardly they have their faces lit from love) ... and? and further, I ask a simple question: "Why? For the sake of what? What gives you both (" everyone ") this" love "?" Are you starting to learn by leaps and bounds? Do you have groups that do not disintegrate after 2 months? Naughty is not so !!
On the contrary!
let's say people go wrong. on milongas, on practices .. I (when I led the group) immediately stopped, said "stop, do not go right, just make your mistake ... do not learn this way .. let's try differently, you will not be accustomed of course, it will not be convenient, but it will be right .. just try, but do not go around like this. "People are trying to improve, they certainly do not get it right ... and they want to return to a convenient way for them to walk ( it's walking, nevertheless they do not go right! step-the basis of tango), but here I am "evil" and not loving - I stop them .. they are no longer happy that they came to this tango, they are frantic that I prevent them from "dancing", they already want me to stay behind them, do not stick with their demands, they want because they have before "it turned out" (they do not even understand yet that they did not succeed and are unlikely to succeed if they continue in the same spirit)
Here is an example of "dislike" ... BUT, if both of them listened to me, they would stop dancing with each other and come to me and say "how should I go? Teach me one I'll walk day and night at home from the refrigerator to the TV set and back to the toilet, but since you ask .. give me some exercises, and then I see that the garbage somehow turns out "
But they do not fit! Because often the teachers even do not let them know that they are not going right and only harden-aggravate their mistakes. Teachers preach "love." I only know one teacher who is angry with her students and does not hide it (well done!)

What did I want to say? What conclusion? And this, your "lyuboff" is destructive. It leads to nothing, but only leads to the fact that you dare people from tango, they throw it sooner or later .. all and .. and who could learn and who is not given (and many are not given).
The teacher is not a priest. Teacher is sometimes obliged to behave strictly with the disciples, and sometimes shout at them and let them know that they are stupid, inattentive, or do something wrong .. this is real love, because eventually your pupil can dance one day .. it's like a strict parent .. strict parents or in strict catalytic boarding schools and children, as a result, the most successful in life ... and "good-natured" - lazy and nedotykomki .. Therefore, true love, in severity and rigidity in relation to the pupil .. And if the student himself does not understand this, he can not bear the severity teacher, he is unlikely to be able to learn anything .. Again, the barracks are a good example .. there sometimes the sergeant beats the recruit, but then the rookie thanks him, because life, thanks to his instructions, kept strict in battle ...
In short, your whole LOVE Chekhovian tired me. I see her stupidity and sabotage ... eventually you make your love object (student) bad, ie you do not really love him, because your "love" is to teach a person to dance tango .. how means it does not matter, the main thing is that he dances ... this is true love .. and no smile and gentle treatment with the student at the lessons ...
The song here by the way was remembered by one .. an old woman, probably few know it .. but it's good) and now two old women sing it, foul language, but I can see by their faces, voices and everything else that they know how to love, really ... and your all these are not swearing obscenities, "loving" - do not know how ...