Adoration post. Xenia Parkhatskaya!

As it is known to my regular readers, I sometimes touch on topics that do not concern Argentine tango .. Today I will leave the topic too, but not far ... Apart from tango, there are a lot of other social dances-salsa-bachata (the most popular) and other hustles. If I had the time, money and a good teacher within my reach, I would go to lindy hop and other swing ... so I sometimes follow this direction ... and I know some lindi stars .. Not looking at something that seems to be an American dance in it there are Russian world-class stars .. One of the them - Xenia Parkhatskaya. I just adore her ... Light, jumpy, flexible and strong at the same time, with a great sense of rhythm .. Correctly ideal dancer .. Where there Isadora Duncan or Maya Plesetskaya to her! She is taller and more genius than 1000 times, although most of you do not even know about her .. I call her "Fred Astaire in a skirt" .. she is no less brilliant than Fred Astaire, I believe ..
And she comes from Russia, from St. Petersburg, as far as I understand ... so Russia is still a country of geniuses and talents .. although again, a woman, we do not have men (world level), and in our woman's tango is more successful men in the general and average ... Russia is a country of the feminine gender) ...
Spread here three videos with Ksenia .. each in its own good and everyone is different from the other .. the first video-Xenia, paired with another world star - Max Pitrozzella (about him, too, sometime here I'm scribbling a couple of lines), the second Xenia dances solo under the orchestra, the third is a comic video, but even in it you can see the skill and technique of Xenia .. She is a goddess! She's the best!