💣 Tango & cash. (how to choose the best tango-club in your city?) 👿

They write: "we will find a couple for you" or "teach you to dance tango for 3 months" or "teach to dance for 48, 23, 99 (unnecessary to cross out)) lessons"
They blatantly lie!
Because ... where are their students? for years they could teach hundreds of people to dance tango !!! hundreds! ... if only "for 3 months" ...
a couple they will find you! ha ha ... well, yes they will find some sort of crooked fucking men with "incompetence" (on their feet)), who does not know how to walk normally in life, but already tango-walk-especially .. you will have to dance with this disabled person in class .. he will "dance  you" so that then do not retrain already))
And problem is not in "couple"? fuck no pair really needed! Normal women understand this and prefer self-employment with themselves) wrote about this here more than once.
It would be time for the teachers to know this, too, and not to lure stupid women with these stupid "couples" .. It's not a matter of doing business at all !!! already wrote about it more than once here, but once again I repeat that you do not look for a blog (I'm not a club, I really care about you)) - (the picture is clickable and increases!) =>

But people are too blame ... they go to clubs without even having taken an interest about club's deeds and successes ...
how to look for a club or a personal teacher?
We must first of all find his students !!!!
Find them, see and compare them with the pupils of other clubs or teachers ..
and not watch videos of the teachers themselves, their numerous show-resumes and photos from tango events ..
Students who dance well are the main criteria in selecting a school or a teacher!
but not the number of seminars with invited Argentines or Moscovites ..
Of course it's work-to look and track the students of different clubs ... but the Internet makes this work easier and come to school personally for the usual home club milonga (not for an open lesson! God forbid you come to an open lesson-there's only false information waiting for you, , fake decorations, garbage all harvested - swept under the sofas)))
but it's better to spend time and to walk through the clubs than to spend months and even years overpaying for "air"
I able range Che-clubs, for example))
club A ( 12 y.o.)- about 8-9-10 good studens during this time
club B (8-9 y.o.)-  5-6
club C (5-6 y.o.)-  1-2
club D (6-7 y.o.)-  0
club F (1 y.o.)-      0

Today in my city went a wave of seminars .... clubs are "sick" seminars of visiting teachers)) ... make people overpay for "air" ...
I proclaime: your seminars are  completely useless!!
if it were, then for those hundreds of seminars that passed before my eyes, I should follow at least some slightest progress in technic ... but they are not ... I take an "experienced" tangera who visited thousands of seminars in the hands and again as a hundred years ago I feel her "fallacy, precariousness and insubordination"
and the question arises: "why then do all these fucking seminars need?" to deflate the money from fools? apparently behind this ...
In short, I'm tired of this deception ...
and as if the teachers themselves clubs do not have enough knowledge and skills to teach people without any of these Argentinean and Muscovites?
Do not believe me either!
...although I can at least provide a video of my students ... at least two videos(, maybe more, maybe five ... about five or six of my students are dancing or dancing quite dignified ... at a level that clubs do not able to bring ... or bring in ten years ... or not ten and 3-4, but a percentage of one and a half of their students .. I drive much more - 15 percent! and faster at times ..

Compare it! clubs with their halls, seminars, Argentines and teachers - 1.5%
and me.... alone, without special advertising, without a website, without halls, without seminars (I  not visitedat the seminars for 6 years, except as a volunteer ), without idiotic clown tango shoes and doroguschy tango trousers )) - 15%
I'm the best!) 10 times better than clubs!)

"Tango is a war," one teacher recently wrote in the social network .. but then shamefully erased the good record)) ... and I was so happy then reading it)), I wanted to reread and comment even)) and did not find it today)) Apparently , this record broke all the "positive and optimistic reigning" on the page .... yet they try to keep "positive, love and optimism" -  I onle one write hopelessly and disliked)) ...
"War" is exactly ...
war of good and evil ..
clubs (almost all with rare exceptions) - evil!
deception of people (and this is deception!) and unprofessionalism is always evil ..↗