Tango and youth

Sometimes I observe young people on tango lessons, seminars or on milongas. "I'm sad to look at your generation ..." - I want to paraphrase the Russian poet ..
because I understand that in 99% of cases, a young guy or a girl will not grow into a good tangero.
Yes, because we need conditions for growth, but there are none...neither internal conditions, nor external ..
most importantly-  they do not have good sparring partners.
good tangeros are inaccessible to young people .. they can not even pay for the lesson of a good tangero, for example. A private lesson of course ... group lessons are nonsense.
Plus, as a rule, young people rarely have a culture of movement. The motor skills of the "tablet-laptop" generation are much lower than those of my generation who spent their childhood in outdoor games (who remembers today such a game as "Shtander" for example?) .. . ​​and of course free Soviet sports sections, where we all went to the polls, also did their thing ..

Now the youth is not the same ... In short, advice to the young-throw the tango immediately, you do not have any prospects here)

such my old man's grumbling))
 well, but who does want to get really started, comes to me, preferably a couple- and I'll make you a "youth discount" for training from me!)))