А scandal in a noble family)

In the St.Petersburg's tango-community  a scandal broke out ... One lady and today's her teacher have published some post in which they criticize the tango clubs of Peter. People are outraged by the fact that they supposedly "poured mud on" "unhappy" clubs ... It is interesting that the reasoning in the post is based on the analogy with the car and its driving, ie. there is
 a direct analogy with the name of this blog - "tango machine"
- "tango-car"...may be, author of this post read my  blog?)

among others, criticized the club, whose head will soon hold a tango- seminar in my city)
but for me, why not? The descriptions of ways of teaching tango are interesting ... somethings are largely recognizable .. and there is one good idea in this text: "We must evaluate the clubs by the result!"- by the number of good tangeroos, which this club managed to grow.
I always apply this criterion in the evaluation of clubs and teachers.
As for the "mud poured" ... what do you want? so that all are silent and do not evaluate each other publicly? What kind of nonsense? tell it then to political parties and leaders, let them not evaluate and criticize each other. And clubs are the same parties competing in the market for the votes of voters (for new recruits and not only)  so the criticism is entirely permissible, and even its forms are at the discretion of each of us. and then all such sensitive steel ... do not touch anyone ...