Tango is the dance of criminals- 2

tango is the dance of criminals .. so it was called one of the most popular post on this blog ..
Today I'm doing a sequel ... Moscow is covered by an epidemic of theft in the locker rooms of tango clubs, they stealing money from purses, valuables .. one of the tangeras lost 300 euros.,
I'm thinking, they carry 300 euros with them and leave them in the locker rooms .. I could live with this money for 3 months ... Come on, thief, robbing loot!)
Too bourgeois your tango has become .. Poor Argentines invented it and bourgeois as the most untalented class they stole from it ..
How to return the tango to the poor people? It is necessary to create a FULLY FREE TANGO CLUB!
I'M LOOKING FOR A SPONSOR for this idea! Write to akter@mail.ru